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NAACC Aquatic Connectivity Field Training Day (BEAT Volunteer Opportunity)

Multiple Locations Outdoors

Contribute to wildlife conservation through hands-on volunteer fieldwork! Natural, free-flowing waterways create ideal habitats for numerous wildlife species, particularly cold-water fish. However, culverts—those concrete, metal, or plastic pipes that allow streams and rivers to pass under roads—can hinder the movement…

Berkshire Green Drinks: “Tracking: Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind” with Daniel Hansche

Dorothy's Estaminet 438 North Street, Pittsfield, United States

Wildlife tracking has contributed significantly to our awareness of those species cohabitating in the Berkshires alongside our human population. Especially valuable to the conservation and management of the more nocturnal and crepuscular mammals, tracking allows us to identify or verify…

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