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Fall Gardening for Pollinators: Creating a Resilient Garden for All Seasons


Join Emily May, Pollinator Conservation Specialist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, to talk about supporting pollinators and other wildlife in our yards and gardens through the changing seasons. Where do beneficial insects spend the winter? What does gardening…

Amazing Autumn Outings with BNRC Online Program


Make the most of the Berkshires this autumn! Join Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) staff and other enthusiasts to discuss trails and reserves you can visit during the 2023 harvest and foliage season. They'll mention a few can't-miss longtime beloved…

Conservation 101: How we protect farms, forests, and community land


Ever wondered how conservation actually works? Join Vermont Land Trust for a behind-the-scenes look at how we protect land in Vermont with a panel of experienced VLT staff. They’ll share how we actually go about conserving forests, supporting farms, and…

“Creating and Managing Landscapes for Native Bees” with Heather Holm


Join Heather Holm LIVE as she explores the nesting habitats, life cycles, pollen collection, brood rearing, and general characteristics of some of the most common native bees in eastern North America, while highlighting the pollination of native plants and the…

Massachusetts Pollinator Network (MAPN) Monthly Meeting


Join Massachusetts Pollinator Network (MAPN) as they host David Falk and Tori Antonino to get tips and tricks on fall garden care that supports pollinators. Hint: there's a lot less to do than you think! DATE: Tuesday, October 24 TIME: 7:00 –…

LEARN! Autumn Hawk Migration


Join Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) and local naturalist Ed Neumuth as he shares why autumn hawk migration happens, who is migrating, and some tips on when and where to look. DATE: Thursday, October 26 TIME: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM…

Creating Landscapes for Bird Diversity


Creating Landscapes for Bird Diversity with Claudia Thompson, Landscape Designer and Founder, Grow Native Massachusetts: a Zoom presentation in partnership with Cary Memorial Library Our landscapes have a tremendous impact on bird diversity, and with so many native bird populations…

Healthy Soils and Climate Smart Farming


Join Mothers Out Front as they celebrate United Nations World Soil Day by learning about healthy soil as a carbon sink and climate change solution. In this webinar, you'll hear from soil scientist Ruben Parilla, Soil Technical Coordinator for NOFA/Mass,…

Creating Pollinator Habitats Anywhere


Reviews some pollinator basics: what exactly are pollinators, why are they so important, and why do we hear so much about them? Then explore what pollinators need and are looking for when choosing where to rest, eat, or lay their…

Winter Seed Sowing Workshop


Join the Wild Seed Project for a free online winter seed sowing demonstration. Wild Seed Project's  Seed Program Director, Emily Baisden, will demonstrate each step of sowing native seeds and talk through best practices and where to find the materials…

Bark: Identifying Trees in Winter


Join Michael Wojtech, author of Bark: A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast, to sharpen your tree identification skills and learn how to identify New Hampshire trees by their bark alone. January 18 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.…

Behind the Scenes: Trail Work at BNRC


In this free BNRC-hosted online event Tyler Fogg, Assistant Director of Stewardship, will share a summary of BNRC's 2023 trail crew season, with a slideshow and details of how projects are identified, prioritized, planned, and executed over the 60+ mile…

If These Artworks Could Talk!


If These Artworks Could Talk! Glimpses into the Art, Artists and Collectors Behind the Museum's Collection Look at some of the treasures of bird art in Mass Audubon’s art collection, spanning several centuries, and many genres. Hear the stories of…

New Hope for Ash: Breeding EAB-Resistant Trees


The emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive beetle that has decimated ash trees throughout North America, dramatically changing the face of our forests — but new research offers hope for the future of ash on our landscape. Join Rachel…

Energy Efficient Homebuilding and Retrofitting Workshop


Energy Efficient Homebuilding & Retrofitting Workshop on February 6th Egremont, MA -- The Egremont Green Committee invites area residents to attend a climate action webinar on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 5:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom. The free, virtual event, entitled “Eergy…

Looking Closely: Connections Between Art and Science


Look closely at the inherent beauty of nature’s microscopic world to see the interplay between art and science. We’ll take a deep dive into some microscopic structures found in nature, such as feathers and pollen attached to native bees, and…

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