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First of three photos showing Housatonic River with shopping carts, bicycles, and other trash.

Other River Cleanups

2015,2013,2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002

Third of three photos showing Housatonic River with shopping carts, bicycles, and other trash.

River Before Cleanup (2005)

River After Cleanup (2005)

BEAT has been organizing river cleanups since 2002. Contact us if you would like to be part of our next clean-up.

people having lunch after the river cleanup

Some of the volunteers who helped with the cleanup

Pile of old tires and a television set all hauled out of the river
Bruce adding the television set to one pile of tires – all hauled out of the river
another pile of tires and trash
A second pile of tires, barrels, and trash hauled out of the river
Carrying trash out by canoe.

One canoe load of trash.


Thank You to all those who helped in the clean-ups.

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